Thursday, August 11, 2011

Headline check

Besides your photo, that's the first thing men see. Be very careful about what you put as a headline. As we all know, men can turn most anything into a perverted comment or statement of some type. Coming up with a good headline is tricky. I'm still working on it myself.

I can tell you to avoid the headline, "Did I shave my legs for this" It will result in some perverted messages. They may read something like this. "Can I help you shave your legs?"  "I would love to shower naked with you and help" "I actually like legs with a little stubble. It creates a little friction, if you know what I mean"  There was a lot more than those three. They just stick out the most. Those were all coming from men who I had never even spoke to before. They're keeping it classy, as you can see.

Another one that hasn't worked so well for me has been, "They say you have to kiss a lot of toads" Granted, this one hasn't been quite as bad as the first one. I've had a fella say, "I would love to meet you and kiss your lips. They look so kissable"  My most recent one, "Why not kiss just one more toad" There's a whole story behind that fella. I'll get to him in a later post. He was just good entertainment value.

If you know of a perfect headline, be sure to let me know. Please.

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