Friday, August 12, 2011

We'll just call him "J"

"J" is one of the newer fellas that I have encountered on the dating site. He's also pretty persistent, and honest when it comes to what he wants. He's also cute. Very cute. Normally I would just ignore messages like his. However, I had a couple drinks in me. Anyways, the messages go like this.....

J: Hi. You have great tits!
Me: Yes, I know. They're fabulous! Thanks for playing....
J:  Thanks for playing? That's it? That's all I get?
Me: Pretty much. What did you expect me to say, 'Hey, thanks, wanna screw?' I'm not that type of girl.
J: Oh, sorry

Whew. Oh wait, that wasn't the end of him. Just a few short hours later.

J: Why not kiss just one more toad before you meet a prince  (See post about headlines)
Me: I'm not looking for a piece of ass. I need to go, I'm heading out with some friends for my birthday.
J: Well you should come to Mr. Ed's and let me buy you a beer
Me: No thanks, I don't drink beer.

The rest of the night goes great. I got a tad drunk. I may have even kissed a random guy at the end of the night. Alright, alright...I did. I kissed him, and he was hot. That's not the point though. My DD finally gets my drunk a$$ back home and I feel the need to check my POF. Oh look, another message from "J"

J: You never showed up for a drink.
Me: I told you I wasn't.
J: I see in your profile that you love storms. I do too. There's a severe thunderstorm on the way. Maybe I should come over and we could ride the storm out together.
J, again: Did I mention, storms make me horny.
Me: Yes, I love storms. Again, I'm not interested.
J: You shouldn't be so uptight. Start with sex and go from there. If the sex is no good, then no sense in trying to start a relationship. Right? 

::Sigh:: And he wonders why he's single.

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